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Elevate Your PE Class with 25 Jump Rope Tricks, Skills, and Essential Tips

Jumping rope and learning new jump rope skills and tricks is an ideal way to add fun and variety to a physical education class. Progressing though a variety of jumping challenges in a PE class can really bolster a child's self-confidence, coordination and overall fitness level. There are many options when it comes to adding skills and tricks to your lessons using a single jump rope. These skills can range from basic jumps over a rope laying on the floor to performing complex turning and jumping tricks such as double-unders or crisscross maneuvers. This makes it perfect for students to practice and advance to new skills at their own level.

25 Jump Rope Tricks and Skills to Teach in a Physical Education Class

Pics by Stony Brook P.E. @stonybrookpe

In this blog post, I will discuss the benefits of using single jump ropes in physical education, examine ways to implement them in a typical PE lesson and provide several movements, skills, and tricks to teach in your classes. I will also provide step-by-step instructions on how to perform each jump rope maneuver. They are perfect for all age groups, and can help students stay engaged in their physical education classes throughout the school year. They can be implemented inside or outside and all you need is a single jump rope (7 - 8 ft long) for each student or one to share with a partner or small group. Let's get started!


What are the benefits of learning jump rope tricks/skills?

There are many reasons why learning jumping and turning skills and tricks with a single jump rope should be part of a physical education class.

  1. Boosts Self Confidence: Learning how to jump rope, and perform various tricks can help build a child's confidence and self-esteem.

  2. Increases Coordination and Rhythm: Manipulating a single jump rope requires coordination between the arms, wrists, and legs. This coordination will help children develop better control of their bodies and improve their overall coordination and rhythm.

  3. Improves Fitness: Jumping and turning a rope is a great cardiovascular workout. It gets the heart pumping and can really get students moving, grooving, and sweating.

  4. Relieves Stress: Jumping rope is a great way to have fun and relieve stress. It's a great way to take a break from the more traditional forms of exercise such as running or playing team sports.

What are the benefits of learning jump rope skills in PE?


How to use single jump ropes in a PE lesson?

Single (individual) jump ropes can be used in a variety of ways to teach a plethora of skills, movements and tricks. Students can work together in partners, groups, stations or practice individually during a PE lesson or as a classroom brain break. This blog article will highlight several jump rope tricks you can implement in your jump rope lessons, however short ropes can also be used in a typical physical education class for warm-ups, fitness units, assessment, relay races, field day events and obstacle courses!

10 Ways to Use a Short Jump Rope

Does working on jump rope skills help address PE standards?

Not only is learning jump roping skills a fun way to get students active, but they also help them master coordination and rhythm. This in turn helps THEM address SHAPE America's Standard 1 which states: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.* The single jump rope skills, movements and tricks you choose to use during lessons can easily meet any national, state, or district standards.

Does working on jump rope skills help address PE standards?


25 Jump Rope Tricks and Skills to Teach in PE

The following fun and challenging movements are ideal if you want to get your students excited and active!

Your students can work on the following activities by themselves, with a

partner, or in small groups at various stations throughout your learning area.

1- Rope on the Ground Jumps (Level 1)

Rope on the ground skills- video

  • Long Jump- Stand at end of the rope. Jump as far a possible down the rope. Measure your distance on the rope. Repeat and try to go further. Tips: Squat low- Explode up and forward-Mark your jump on the rope where your heels landed.

  • 2 Foot Jump- Stand at end of the rope. Jump from side-to-side (2 feet to 2 feet) down the rope. Tips: Stay on the balls of your feet- Try not to touch the rope- Use a skier motion.

  • 1 Foot Hop- Stand at end of the rope. Hop from side-to-side (1 foot to same foot) down the rope. Tips: Stay on balls of your feet- Try not to touch the rope- Use a skier motion.

  • Criss Cross Jump- - Stand at end of the rope. Jump and cross then jump and uncross your legs all the way down the rope and back. Tips: Stay on the balls of your feet- Try not to touch the rope with your feet- Cross leg-uncross, cross leg-uncross.

  • Half Turn Over- Stand at end of the rope. Jump and turn ½ half way around (for each jump) all the way down the rope. Tips: Stay on the balls of your feet- Try not to touch the rope with your feet- Cross-uncross, cross-uncross.

Jump Rope Tricks- Rope on the Ground Jumps (Level 1)

2- Non-Jumping Swing Movements (Level 2)

Non-jumping skills- video

  • Helicopter- Hold your arm above your head with both handles in 1 hand. Turn the rope (rotate it around horizontally) around above your head. Tips: Turn the rope using your wrist- Lock your swinging arm in place.

  • Airplane- Hold your arm in front of your body with both handles in 1 hand. Turn the rope around (rotate it around vertically) as the rope passes in front of your body. Tips: Turn the rope using your wrist- Lock your swinging arm in place.

  • Side Swing- Hold a jump rope handle in each hand. Swing the rope to your side. Switch sides every 5 to 10 swings. Tips: Keep your elbows in- Feet together- Use a double wrist movement during each swing- Keep the rope tight.

  • Figure 8- Hold a jump rope handle in each hand. Swing the rope to one side. Switch sides after every swing in a figure 8 motion. Tips: Keep your elbows in- Feet together- Use a double wrist movement during each swing.

  • Washing Machine- Hold the rope with 2 handles in 1 hand. Pass the rope around your waist. Switch handles to opposite hand on each side of your body. Tips: Keep both handles together- Your hands move from the front to the back of your body.

Jump Rope Skills- Non-Jumping Swing Movements (Level 2)

3- Basic Jump Rope Skills (Level 3)

  • 2 Foot Jump- Jump using both feet. Land on the balls of your feet each jump. Jump one time for every revolution of the rope. Tips: Turn the rope from your heels to your toes- Keep your feet together- Hold both elbows in.

  • Skier Jump- Jump to the left...Jump to the right using both feet. Jump one time for every revolution of the rope. Tips: Turn the rope from your heels to your toes- Move your feet from side to side- Keep your feet together.

  • Bell Jump- Jump forward...Jump back using both feet. Jump one time for every revolution of the rope. Tips: Turn the rope from your heels to your toes- Move your feet from front to back, then back to front- Keep your feet together.

  • Jogging Step- Step over with your left foot... Step over with your right foot. Continue alternating your feet in a jogging motion. Tips: Turn the rope from your heels to your toes- Keep your feet together- Hold both elbows in.

  • 1 Foot Hop- Jump using both feet. Land on the balls of your feet each jump. Jump one time for every revolution of the rope. Tips: Turn the rope from your heels to your toes- Alternate your feet- Use jogging steps.

Jump Rope Tricks- Basic Jump Rope Skills (Level 3)

4- Intermediate Jump Rope Tricks (Level 4)

Jump Rope Skill Stations- video by Christine Mason @LPESVB

  • Spread Eagle- Keep your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Land on the balls of your feet each jump. Jump once for every revolution of the rope. Tips: Turn the rope from your heels to your toes- Keep a wide stance- Hold both elbows in.

  • Rocker- Put one foot in front of the other. Jump first on your front foot then onto your back foot. Your body weight will shift from your back foot to front foot as you jump. Tips: Turn the rope from your heels to your toes- Rock back and forth- Shift weight front to back...back to front.

  • Twister- Jump & rotate your hips to the left side. Perform a basic 2 foot jump. Jump & rotate your hips to right side...repeat this motion Tips: Turn the rope from your heels to your toes- Lead with your hips- Hold both elbows in.

  • Scissor Jump- Jump and land with your left foot forward and right foot back. Jump again and reverse your feet before landing. Repeat this motion. Tips: Turn the rope from your heels to your toes- Lean forward- Stay on the balls of your feet.

  • Wounded Duck- Jump with your toes and knees turned inward. Then jump with your toes and knees turned outward. Repeat this motion. Tips: Turn the rope from your heels to your toes- Knees turn in and out each jump- Hold both elbows in.

Jump Rope Skills- Intermediate Jump Rope Tricks (Level 4)

5- Advanced Jump Rope Tricks (Level 5)

  • Figure 8- Jump- Swing the rope on your right side. Swing the rope on your left side. Perform a 2 foot basic jump. Repeat this motion. Tips: Turn the rope forward- Keep your hands together on swing motions- Keep your feet together.

  • Criss-Cross- Perform a 2 Foot Jump. Cross your arms until both elbows touch. Perform a 2 Foot Jump. Open the rope and perform a basic jump. Tips: Your hands stay low- Hold the end of the handles- Cross far over your body before you jump.

  • Double Under- Jump high and turn the rope twice under your feet while you are airborne. Whip the rope with your wrists to increase the rope speed. Tips: Turn the rope from your toes to your heels- Jump High- Perform 3 standard jumps first before the double under.

  • 2 Facing Jumpers- A partner faces the jumper. One partner controls the rope. The other partner jumps in to the rope to join a basic 2 foot jump motion. Tips: Wait until the rope goes under your partner’s feet to join in- Stretch your arms out on the rope turn.

  • 2 Side-by-Side Jumpers- Both partners stand shoulder to shoulder. A rope is in the right hand of the right-side partner; left hand for the left-side partner. Perform a basic jump in unison. Tips: Turn the rope from your toes to your heels- Keep the rope above your shoulders.

Jump Rope Skills- Advanced Jump Rope Tricks (Level 5)


Final thoughts

The use of single jump ropes in physical education can add a fun and challenging element to your lessons. Jumping rope is a great way to increase self-confidence, boost fitness levels and coordination, and relieve stress. There are an countless number of skills, movements and tricks you can teach your students to help them improve. When teaching jump rope movements, it is important to start with the basic jumps and swings, then progress to the more difficult tricks as your students master the easier ones. Remember to stress that safety comes first when using jump ropes in class. You will find the highlighted 25 jump rope ideas to be valuable in your future teaching endeavors. Be creative and come up with your own unique jump rope skills and challenges for class that will not only engage students but get them excited to participate. The goal is to provide a productive workout while also having fun and learning something new.

I hope you enjoyed reading about these single jump rope ideas and were inspired to try them out in your learning area! Please let me know which ones are your favorites in the comments section below.

*SHAPE America. (2013). National Standards for K-12 Physical Education. Reston, VA: Author.


Need resources?

Do you need some PE Equipment-Based Challenge Cards that can easily help you teach activities like the ones discussed in the equipment-based article above? Would it help to have easy-to-implement visuals that include detailed instructions and state-of-the-art graphics? Cap'n Pete's Power PE has you covered!

28 FREE PE Equipment-Based Challenge Cards on

Fill in the form below to download 28 FREE fun and active PE Equipment Challenge Cards with a variety of manipulative and movement-based skills to use in your physical education classes.

The set is a PDF digital download that includes four visuals (cards) from each the following equipment-based, skill, and movement challenge card sets: 1. Balloon Challenges, 2. Beanbag Challenges, 3. Pool Noodle Challenges, 4. Hula Hoop Challenges, 5. Playground Ball Challenges, 6. Jump Rope Challenges, and 7. Cup Stacking Challenges.

This freebie set will be sure to enhance your PE curriculum for years!


If you REALLY want to expand your physical education program's arsenal, check out Cap'n Pete's, 20 Set PE Equipment Challenge Card Super Bundle. Over 480, PE equipment-based teaching visuals from 20 unique sets!!

Cap'n Pete's, 20 Set PE Equipment Challenge Card Super Bundle. Over 480, PE equipment-based teaching visuals from 20 unique sets!!

You can download them from either of the following platforms: Cap'n Pete's Power PE Website or Teachers Pay Teachers- Cap'n Pete's TPT Store

This comprehensive visual collection will help you teach your students a plethora of movement and manipulative skills using 20 traditional pieces of physical education equipment that include: most balloons, beanbags, stacking cups, pool noodles, juggling scarves, hula hoops, tumbling mats, long jump ropes, short jump ropes, scooter boards, cones & poly spots, dice, Lummi sticks. long-handled implements, short-handled implements, basketballs, beachballs, footballs, playground balls, and soccer balls.


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