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This product a physical education, year long plan template that can easily be adapted and manipulated to adjust to your grades, dates and planning style. The document was created using Microsoft Word so it is easy to change as needed. You can easily change grade levels, dates, titles, and graphics. You can slide the line in the middle of each box to change the grades you are planning for month by month. 

In the Zip folder, there is also a COMPLETE elementary (grades K – 5) year long plan which is also in Microsoft Word format so that you can borrow some of the language used (for your plan) to make your life easier!!! 

This physical education year plan template is an excellent planning tool and a great way to showcase your physical education program to parents and administrators. It is very helpful to have this plan as you can easily look back to see what you have taught and make changes from year to year. The template has an attractive look with a functional design.

You will love this planning tool!

Physical Education Year Plan- Editable Template

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