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This lesson plan and diagram is for a large group physical education game called "Fast-Flash-Freeze". It is a throwing, catching, dodging and fleeing game. During the game, 2 teams of Super Heroes attempt to navigate in each other's city to perch on their Skyscrapers and catch "FLASHBALLS". If successful, Superheroes earn points and valuable treasure in their Flashball containers!!! 

The kids really enjoy this game and they will leave the gym with smiles on their faces and will be asking you if they really have to leave. The game requires some Nerf/Gator skin balls, 2 containers, some belts or flags for both teams, and several Bosu Balls or Step Benches to perch on. 

The kids really enjoy this game and they will leave the gym with smiles on their faces and will be asking you if they really have to leave. The game requires some lightweight exercise mats (or stackable items that can fall when hit), some foam or gator skin balls balls and a few cones for boundary lines.

PE Games for Superheroes!- "Fast-Flash-Freeze"

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