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The Fidget Spinner Fitness Super Bundle is a combination of 6 separate Fidget Spinner Board Sets; 1- Fitness and Manipulative Skills, 2- YOGA, Balance and Flexibility, 3- Components of Fitness, 4- Sport Specific Skills, 5- Super Hero Movement and 6- Animal Action. 

Altogether, with the 6 products included in this packet, there are 57 different Fidget Spinner boards that can be implemented into a lesson. Each board displays 7 different fitness exercises or manipulative skill movements. Students place a Fidget Spinner in the middle of the board and spin it to indicate an exercise/movement to perform. The Fidget Spinner also serves as a timer to regulate the amount of time a student moves and exercises. They “move” while it “spins”! 

An editable PowerPoint version is also included in the Fitness & Manipulative Skill Packet where teachers can include their own exercises and can add their own images onto a Fidget Spinner Board!!!

This valuable resource “engages and immerses” students in a trendy PE movement activity. Your students will LOVE it!! The packet is made up of 15 distinct spinner boards; 5 Fitness Boards, 8 Manipulative Skill Boards (jump rope, yarn ball, scarf, playground ball, hula hoop, beanbag, balloon and paddle play), a YOGA Board and a Balance Board. 

The Fidget Spinner Fitness and Manipulative Skill Board visuals can be applied in a number of different ways within a PE lesson or as a great warm-up activity. Classroom teachers can use the Fidget Spinner Boards as a Brain Boosting activity during those critical times of the day!

Fidget Spinner PE Spin Boards- 6 Set Super Bundle

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