This Top 10 Cardiovascular Endurance Movement set is a simple, large print, kid friendly, easy to read visual package of commonly performed cardiovascular endurance movements or actions. Physical education teachers can use these signs to display on their bulletin boards and gym walls or use as visual aids during instructional segments in their lessons.
The Cardiovascular Endurance movement visuals were designed to be easy to read with large print and colorful images/backgrounds. Teachers can use these visuals during instruction to clarify and emphasize the Health-Related Components of fitness or display them on a screen or gym wall during activity sessions in a lesson. Teachers and students can model the displayed top 10 movements or discuss other movements that can be performed relating to cardiovascular endurance.
The Top 10 Cardiovascular Endurance Visuals come in a zip folder with a PDF file as well as a JPG folder with each individual sign inside. The JPG’s work best if you have access to a Poster Maker and you want to increase the size to greater than a standard 8 ½” by 11” sheet of paper.
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