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The 40 At-Home Field Day Events- Parent & Family Edition digital download is an ENGAGING package of challenging field day events that parents can use at home for their families to stay ACTIVE and have FUN during times they are not at school. Children of all ages LOVE Field Day and with this packet, they can easily participate and ENJOY one of the experiences they dream about all year long!

The At-Home Field Day event cards provide 40 different movement and skill events that utilize items that most homes already have including sock balls, water bottles, paper plates, cereal boxes, bottle caps, laundry baskets, trash bins, plastic cups, pillows, pillow cases, cutlery, stuffed animals and more. The event cards provide CLEAR and EASY to follow directions and are graphically stunning. The ANIMATED CHARACTERS used in the diagrams make the events easy to understand and there are EXTRA INSTRUCTIONS included describing what items are needed and how the events can be modified to be even be more fun.

The event cards come in PDF and JPG formats and can either be printed or saved and used on a smart device. Parents and their school-aged children can pick and choose which of the 40 events work best in their situation. The events can be implemented the events inside and outside of their homes. An EVENT LOG is included to help the participants keep track of their events and there are FIELD DAY CERTIFICATES that can be presented to the participants when set numbers of events have been completed (5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 Events).

The 40 At-Home Field Day Events- Parent & Family Edition packet is a convenient and creative way for you to have your children move at home “with a purpose!” The event cards are very colorful with “top of the line” graphics and detailed instructions. Each event card includes the following components on the left side of the visual: 1. Event Title Identification, 2. Movement/Skill Graphic, 3. Rep or Time Suggestion, 4. Detailed Description of the Movement/Skill, 5. Tips for Success. On the right side of the visual you will find the following information: 1. What do I need? (items and equipment- with graphics) and 2. How can I make it more fun? (Ways to compete with yourself and/or against family

Variations for Use:

***1 Day- Big Field Day Event: Parents and their families decide on which At-Home Field Day Events work best for them and they plan a day of FUN. The events can be pre-set around the house or outside and families can move around from event to event as the day progresses. Incorporate healthy snack breaks and a lunch in the day

***1 or a Few Events Per Day: Parents and their families decide on which At-Home Field Day Events work best for them and they plan to do 1 or a few of the events each day for a set amount of time - i.e. 1 week

***Events as Daily PE Activity: Instead of using the event visuals for an At-Home Field Day, parents and their families can use them as daily PE activities to do around the house at set times of the day or week. In other words, use the events as Physical Education or Physical Activity time!!!

The 40 At-Home Field Day Events- Parent & Family Edition packet was created for students and parents to be able to use in a home setting. Most of the events can be completed inside a house and a few of them might work better outside. Although suggestions are made for variations in the items used for each event, modifications can be made to ensure that each event can be performed. In other words, if you don’t have them item, try using something comparable. It is important that you have adequate space to carry out the movements/skills and parents should ensure that the events are set-up and performed in a safe manner.


Suggestive Items for an At-Home Field Day:


  • Rolled up sock balls
  • Small cushions
  • Stuffed animals
  • Grocery bags
  • A flat table
  • A laundry basket
  • Zip-lock bag
  • A small trash bin/bucket
  • Paper plates
  • Spoons
  • Plastic cups
  • Pillows
  • Pillowcases
  • Egg or golf ball
  • Plunger
  • Cereal boxes
  • Chair
  • Water bottles
  • Plastic bottles
  • Balloons (optional)
  • Timing Device (optional)



40 At-Home Field Day Events- Parent and Family Edition

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